Immigration...great! I have no problem with it as long as the criteria for entering our country is met. Only then can people reep the benefits from our country, or at least that is how it should be right?
Some may argue that allowing aliens into our country is actually helping us it is cheaper to pay them than say an actual American citizen. This is adding to people under the poverty line both ways.
Right now, more than half the immigrants in the U.S. are here illegaly. This means that more than half of the problems concerning helath care are coming from the illegal immigrants. Is this ok, when millions of Americans are struggling to pay insurance or cannot pay for health care? Many illegal immigrants do not have that problem.
The aliens just ride in their amublances across the border to New Mexico, Arizona, California, and Texas(This is not true, I am not being rude) and get free health care. These costs are currently paid by a combination of socking taxpayers in these sates and inflating the costs for patients (who pay their own bills), health insurance, and medacaid.
Essentially, the illegal immigrants are costing Americans billions of dollars.
They are living on our tab, Education:$22.5 billion; bi-ligual education:$3.3 billion; AFDC:$2.4 billion; SSI:$2.9 billion; Social Security:$24.8 billion; housing assistance:$2.6 billion; JOBS LOST by Americans:$10.8 billion, the list goes on and on all together illegals are costing Americans an annual $131.7 billion a year.
Our country is founded on the idea of life, liberty, and freedom. Why should we let people enter our country and infringe on our right? IF we are so worried about the debt we should consider fixing the immigration issue. I guess there is only so much you can do right?
I agree with many of your points. For the past two-decades American politicians have discussed providing “universal healthcare” to all Americans. The reality is that American already has “universal healthcare” to all Americans and all illegal aliens. By US law anyone presenting themselves to a US hospital cannot be declined healthcare. Who pays? Everyone that pays US taxes and for their own or company sponsored health insurance.
My ancestors came to this country while obeying US immigration laws and anything less for current immigrates is not acceptable. Secure our boards and market conditions will fix many of the other issues.
Yeah, you kind of have to think that there was a reason our immigration laws were enacted. Maybe to make sure that those joining our country really wanted to be here and were willing to pay the costs and take on the burdens associated with being an American. Rather than just reaping the benefits and riding the backs of other hard working citizens.
Oh well, I guess if the illegals drain our government too much Mexico's GDP may surpass ours, and then I can go back to the homeland. There's always a positive to every situation!
I think many are willing to pay with their lives to enter the US illegally; hundreds die in the deserts of Arizona each year. Do they come here out of patriotism? No. These people dream of making a decent living, which is the reason my own grandparents came here from Germany. Yes, they came legally, but for the same reasons--a better life. But their hopes are not often realized, even if they make it and find work. There was just a article in the paper about what are called "car wash heroes." I've never heard that term before, butthey are the guys who wipe down our cars at the car washes. At some of the ritzy car washes in Los Angeles, the car wash heroes don't get salaries; they live off of tips only. They sleep in dormitory conditions, sharing a room. So we can pay $12.95 for a clean car, they labor for tips in the hot sun, one car after an other. Without them, how much would you be willing to pay to get your car washed? This is complicated because, of course, their illegal status makes them very exploitable. If they complain, the boss says in Spansih, Do you want to go home?
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