Immigration...great! I have no problem with it as long as the criteria for entering our country is met. Only then can people reep the benefits from our country, or at least that is how it should be right?
Some may argue that allowing aliens into our country is actually helping us it is cheaper to pay them than say an actual American citizen. This is adding to people under the poverty line both ways.
Right now, more than half the immigrants in the U.S. are here illegaly. This means that more than half of the problems concerning helath care are coming from the illegal immigrants. Is this ok, when millions of Americans are struggling to pay insurance or cannot pay for health care? Many illegal immigrants do not have that problem.
The aliens just ride in their amublances across the border to New Mexico, Arizona, California, and Texas(This is not true, I am not being rude) and get free health care. These costs are currently paid by a combination of socking taxpayers in these sates and inflating the costs for patients (who pay their own bills), health insurance, and medacaid.
Essentially, the illegal immigrants are costing Americans billions of dollars.
They are living on our tab, Education:$22.5 billion; bi-ligual education:$3.3 billion; AFDC:$2.4 billion; SSI:$2.9 billion; Social Security:$24.8 billion; housing assistance:$2.6 billion; JOBS LOST by Americans:$10.8 billion, the list goes on and on all together illegals are costing Americans an annual $131.7 billion a year.
Our country is founded on the idea of life, liberty, and freedom. Why should we let people enter our country and infringe on our right? IF we are so worried about the debt we should consider fixing the immigration issue. I guess there is only so much you can do right?